Anti-Black Racism

Resources and Videos
from our past webinars.

⬇︎ Scroll below and click on each webinar ⬇︎

We are aware how we have been conditioned into anti-black racism and, as a mindfulness practice community, we aim to support the unraveling of this conditioning as well as the growth of inclusive, equitable, and beloved communities. In order to do that, we must first understand the experience of Anti-Black Racism, including understanding how anti-blackness can be as overt as police killings and as subtle as unmindful speech or being passed over for a work promotion. 

To quote the Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers (WRAG) “Anti-Black racism is the foundation for the strategies, tactics, tools and cultural worldviews that propagate and maintain racial oppression, repression and exclusion in the U.S. and the world.”

Anti-Black racism is the cause of enormous wealth disparities between White and Black individuals. And, anti-Black racism is at the root  of high rates of maternal disease and infant mortality rates in Black women. These are just two examples of the ways that anti-black racism affects our country daily. 

Please have a look at the past conversations on Anti-Black racism below. Each webinar was led by a different teacher/activist. With your support and presence, we will continue to bring awareness and transformation to these injustices.  

We are able to continue offering these webinars at no fee because of your support and generosity.  Please make a tax-deductible donation to Making-Visible.

100% of your donation pays for our website and communication costs and allows us to pay our guest speakers.

75 things white people can do for racial justice


Scroll below to read about and watch our past webinars.

**As of April 29, real-time captioning will be provided for the Making-Visible webinars.

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Anti-Black Racism Webinar 1

with Valerie Brown

February 19, 2020

We are thrilled that Valerie Brown will be sharing her stories and insight with us as our first speaker for Making-Visible: Anti-Black Racism. Valerie is a Dharma Teacher in the lineage of Thich Nhat Hanh, an international retreat leader, writer, leadership coach, and Principal of Lead Smart Coaching, LLC.

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Anti-Black Racism Webinar 2


David Sampé

March 25, 2020

In 1993, David Sampé was 19 years old and confined at a Correction Corporation of America (now Civic Corps) facility, the first wave of prisons for profit. He was placed in a Youth Act Program that kept him, and others like him, locked in a 6’x9’ cell for eight months, 23½ hours a day. A part of him that went into that box never came out. Broken, like Humpty Dumpty, he was left to put himself back together again. Several years later, after multiple arrests and felony convictions, he became mentally unhinged and spiraled out of control. 

Over the course of 25 years David has reconstructed his mind piece by piece and, through the practice of mindfulness and meditation, has turned a broken mind into a resilient one. These experiences have equipped him with the tools to guide men and women coming home from prison out of their fractured state and back into balance.

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Anti-Black Racism Webinar 3


Katie Loncke

April 29, 2020

Anti-black racism is the cause of enormous wealth disparities between White and Black individuals. And, anti-black racism is at the root of high rates of maternal disease and infant mortality rates in Black women, as well as the root cause of the inequity of deaths from COVID-19 today. 

Katie Loncke (they, them), is a Harvard University graduate with a focus on Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Katie will share with us their experience with a focus on the following:⁣

- How anti-Black racism shows up in the COVID-19 pandemic⁣
- Blackness as a social construct, both 'real' and 'not-real,' and relevance to non/duality⁣
- Black is Beautiful: appreciation vs. appropriation among Black & non-Black people⁣

Learn more about Katie and this webinar.

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Anti-Black Racism Webinar 4: How to Fight Injustice Without Hating

with Valerie Brown

June 24, 2020

In the Plum Village tradition of mindfulness meditation founded by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, we learn to notice and become aware when emotions are touched within us, to notice what the emotion feels like in the body, and to bring awareness to the feelings and bodily sensations, taking care of these emotions by calming and soothing the body and mind.

Taking care of the emotions of anger and hate is an ongoing, daily, and moment to moment practice, especially now at this time when Black and Brown people are under attack from unlawful police violence, unconscious bias, and disparate treatment of Blacks during the COVID-19 health crisis. As a Black woman, my daily practice is to notice the sensation of hate in order to gain agency over my feelings, my words, and my actions and to recognize how I can support myself.

So, what skillful action is required at a time of hate, fear, and violence?